خانه » دانلود آهنگ The Enemy Between My Ears از Sons Of Charlie

دانلود آهنگ را با کیفیت های ۱۲۸ و ۳۲۰ را از ایموزیک فا بشنوید و لذت ببرید

Download the song “Sons Of Charlie” – “The Enemy Between My Ears” with 128 and 320 quality from eMusicFa.ir and enjoy

دانلود آهنگ

متن آهنگ

Please, wake up
This is not real, this is a dream
Please, wake up
We are not what you think we are
They know you represent anyone
Please, wake up
This is not real, this is a dream
I’m your reality
This is not real, this is a dream
Please, wake up
This is not real, this is a dream
Please, wake up
Why don’t you love me?

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